Sunday, January 29, 2006

NAMIC Leadership Conference

I am pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for Session III of the NAMIC Leadership Seminar -- a professional development program focusing on transforming high-potential managers and supervisors of color into tomorrow’s skilled leaders.

Session III will be held in Los Angeles, California at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, March 16-17. NAMIC encourages all Silver and Gold-level members who are interested in attending to secure the endorsement of their companies prior to applying. We also encourage Platinum-level members to nominate candidates for this exciting program. Each class is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. Curriculum details and applications for Session III can be found on the NAMIC website (

Modeled after our highly prestigious Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, the two-day Leadership Seminar is designed to:

Assist managers and supervisors by placing a stronger emphasis on analyzing different leadership styles and achieving results through team leadership
Help managers and supervisors recognize the power of feedback and mentoring as developmental tools
Create an environment for career design and continuous leadership planning and development
Keep managers and supervisors interested and involved in our industry, and facilitate their movement through the pipeline and into positions of greater responsibility

A key component of the Leadership Seminar - launched in 2005 with the generous support of The Walter Kaitz Foundation - is the focus on the individual to determine his/her strengths and developmental needs.

Program Overview

Continuous leadership development is important for all managers and supervisors. While the core lessons that need to be taught and reinforced are the same, regardless of one’s race or gender, how these lessons become new behavior norms often varies, depending upon each individual’s cultural background.

The NAMIC Leadership Seminar brings together top academics and practitioners from across the country (many of whom serve on the NAMIC ELDP faculty) to provide a leadership development experience for midlevel managers of color. The program is designed to increase individuals’ effectiveness at work, while taking into account the uniqueness of their cultural contexts.

Eligibility and Application Information

The ideal candidate for the NAMIC Leadership Seminar is:

In a mid-level professional position (manager, supervisor or coordinator) in his/her company. Candidates should be in a position where they either manage (directly or indirectly) or significantly influence others
A strong performer
On track for promotion or part of the company’s formal/informal succession plan
Motivated to succeed and aspiring to higher, more responsible positions
Supported by his/her supervisor and by senior management for participation in the NAMIC Leadership Seminar

Tuition for the Leadership Seminar is $1,500 per person and includes books, materials and meals. Additional expenses for travel and lodging are also the responsibility of the participants’ employers.

Application Deadline for the March Seminar in Los Angeles, California

Due Date: No later than February 16, 2006
Mail to: NAMIC
The Leadership Seminar
336 West 37th Street, Suite 302
New York, NY 10018

If you have any questions about the Leadership Seminar, please feel free to call me at (212) 594-5985 or via email at


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