Friday, September 15, 2006

Voice Lessons at the Sugar Bar

Mention you received this information from the Sugar Bar by July 2nd, and you will receive $100.00 off.

So you Sing ...The Vocal Workout Music School

DATES: Private and Evening Group Classes in September for Fall Semester '06 - Child ages 8-16 plus Adult Beginner and Intermediate Level classes.
212.229.7788 Infoline
SOHO - Broadway and Houston
Session Enrollment until September 8th for Fall 2006. CALL ASAP.
Each 7-week semester course covers:TechniquePerformanceAudition StrategyVocal PhrasingR&B and Riffing
OPEN HOUSE!Call asap for fall class consultations.
"ILana is a vocal teacher beyond compare. My voice has improved 200% since working with her the last two years"-Liz Farmer, Songwriter/Singer
"ILana's voice is amazing. She is truly gifted as a teacher and a human being." -Aisha Taylor, Student, Lion King
"ILana is such a talented and dynamic personality. I just love taking voice lessons from her. She has improved my pitch and my sense of timing so much, I now can confidently go to castings and say, 'I sing'."-Edwin Houmaire, R&B singer
ILana, is an accomplished voice, songwriter and R&B sound that wows audience with its sex appeal and honesty.Performing from age 8 until 15 in musicals in Hollywood, she entertained and accomplished home study as a child performer. ILana entered Boston's Berklee College of Music on the first scholarship purely for vocals it had age 16. Performing the coveted exclusivities of college life, she was in the company of the best young musicians in the world.She was the founder of the Ilana Martin jazz quintet, singing with the likes of Barry White, Patti LaBelle, Norman Brown, D'Angelo, and many others. She has been teaching voice in Manhattan for six years.

For further Information Please feel free to call the Sugar Bar at (212) 579-0222 and visit our website at


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