Friday, February 03, 2006's DAILY MEDIA FEED 02/03/06

TWO WOMEN'S MAGS CHANGE FOCUS TO 'MILLENNIALS'(NYT) Jane and Marie Claire are revamping to lure readers that other women's magazines often neglect: smart, 20-something women. This group, the so-called millennials, or consumers born from 1980 to 2000, will be a bigger group than baby boomers or Gen-X'ers by 2010. WWD: Brandon Holley working without a net as Jane relaunch looms. Mediaweek: Holley describes the revamped magazine in her editor's note as "mixing vintage with new."

AFTER NEWSPAPER REPORT, ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS OF STERN SHOW SOAR (LAT) Illicit downloading of shock jock Howard Stern's shows increased fivefold Thursday after the Los Angeles Times reported on the broad availability of bootlegged versions of his Sirius Satellite Radio program on Internet file-sharing networks. Folio: Did Rolling Stone recycle rejected Stern cover for Kanye?

FREY EDITOR BELIEVED BOOK WAS NONFICTION (WSJ) Sean McDonald, the editor of embattled memoirist James Frey, asserted in a statement Thursday that A Million Little Pieces had been submitted to him in early September 2001 as a memoir, and not as a work of fiction. NYDN: Frey now shelved under fiction at libraries and bookstores. CSM: Will Oprah devote one program per week to mea culpas?

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Are you a good journalist who is doing good?
You could win a 56th Annual Hillman Award and $2,000.
The deadline's fast approaching. For more info go to:

IT'S NOT UNUSUAL FOR TIMES, POST EDITORS TO HEAR FROM GOV'T OFFICIALS (E&P) When The Joint Chiefs of Staff penned a letter to the editor this week slamming a Tom Toles cartoon in the Washington Post, it was not the first time the paper had heard from the military's highest-ranking officers. FishbowlDC: Toles, Post respond to Joint Chiefs letter.

MAGS CLASH IN PRE-SUPER BOWL PARTIES (NYP) Three titans of the men's magazine field, Maxim, Playboy and Sports Illustrated, will clash will try to outshine and outbuzz one another with their pre-Super Bowl bashes. Dan Parente, a professional party planner, estimates the parties will each likely cost anywhere from high-six figures to $1 million.

Editor Pamela White penned a 5,175-word article for the Feb. 2 issue of Boulder Weekly, detailing how an "expert" she had used for a 2004 article was actually a fraud.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::mb featured job:::::::::::::::::::::::
Associate Editor
New York, NY

BANGKOK BLOCKS YALE WEBSITE (INSIDE HIGHER ED) The Thai government has blocked access in the country to the Yale University Press web site because it includes information about a forthcoming critical biography of Thailand's King.

NOTE TO VOICE: BEWARE OF 'BALDY' (NY PRESS) Jim Knipfel: The Village Voice may not be my favorite publication in the world, but I have nothing against the people who work there. And so I would like to sincerely send my condolences their way. Their lives are about to become miserable.

YOUNG RICH LANDS TWO-BOOK DEAL... WHILE STILL IN COLLEGE (HARVARD CRIMSON) As renowned columnist Frank Rich takes a leave from The New York Times to write about American politics, he will not be the only one in the family working on a book. His son, Simon Rich, will be starting of a tome of his own after nabbing a two-book deal from Random House.

::::::::::::::::mb 8-week course in new york city:::::::::::::::::
***Starts Mon., Feb. 6***
Op-ed student Bess Kargman published an opinion piece in the Washington Post that was the most emailed article on the esteemed website that day.
Taught by New York Times op-ed writer Catherine Orenstein.

ECONOMIST'S STEADY GROWTH (PRESS GAZETTE) In 12 years the circulation of The Economist has doubled, and Editor Bill Emmott expects it to double again over the next decade. In an environment where global current affairs magazines are struggling, the "weekly newspaper" prides itself on having a clearer sense of its purpose and direction.

WHAT TONY RIDDER SHOULD HAVE TOLD KNIGHT'S BIDDERS (GRADE THE NEWS) John McManus: The Knight Ridder owner should have said "News is the only business where you are called on to alienate some of your best customers. You can't give advertisers the news stories they most want. And if you give readers what they want rather than what they need, you're not really in the news business at all."

MEDIA STILL GIVING BUSH A PASS? (THE NATION) Eric Alterman: Despite his lies and incompetence, President Bush remains more popular with elite media than Bill Clinton or any other political leader who sought to save us from the Iraq catastrophe. Why won't they connect the dots?

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***This Sun., Feb. 5***
This weekend, you can spend 3 hours with award-winning writer Vince Beiser (The Los Angeles Times Magazine, The New Republic, Rolling Stone) and learn how to successfully pitch any story to any publication.

In Yesterday's MB Blogs:
Q&A WITH BOB SCHIEFFER: "BUILDING A BENCH" AT CBS, THREE CORRESPONDENTS AT A TIME [TVNEWSER] "One of the the things we've been doing over the last year, since I got here, well almost a year, is trying to identify the people who are going to play a major role at CBS News," CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer told TVNewser this afternoon.
PEN: WE'RE LOOKING INTO THIS NASDIJJ THING [GALLEYCAT] PEN has issued a statement concerning Tim Barrus a.k.a. Nasdijjā€”and apparently, in addition to the Beyond Margins award for "writers of color" he snagged for The Boy and the Dog Are Sleeping that I mentioned this morning, he was also a finalist for the Martha Albrand Award for his debut memoir, The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams, a few years before that.
PRESSTHINKING WITH JAY ROSEN: THE TIMES OF OUR TIMES, AND OTHER MEDIA PREOCCUPATIONS [FISHBOWLNY] Jay Rosen: The Times is a great newspaper, but also a great institution. That's important because the day is coming when the newspaper form no longer defines The New York Times.
TOLES, POST RESPOND TO JOINT CHIEFS LETTER [FISHBOWLDC] The Post today publishes the "24 star" letter from all six of the Joint Chiefs blasting cartoonist Tom Toles for his cartoon depiction of a wounded soldier with Donald Rumsfeld.
A NEW LOW, BRIT MUSICIANS WANT OUT OF THE MIME-FIELD [FISHBOWLLA] Now, here's a movement we'd like to see make the jump to the States: The BBC is reporting that the United Kingdom's Musicians Union has undertaken a campaign demanding that broadcasters make clear whether a band is "miming" or playing live.
Have you been failing at eliciting spicy quotes from your subject? Do you feel like just making up what your editor wants to hear? (You shouldn't do that, by the way.)
(INSERT THEME TO THE KARATE KID) [UNBEIGE] No matter what profession you're in, be it some kind of design or writing farm reports, sometimes it's hard to get inspired and keep on track, or come up with something fresh and originally, or, at the very least, something just nearly functional.


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