Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mother Day Radio Project

Hello online friends and group members:I am writing you today to ask your assistance in referring any leads orcontacts whom you could connect me with for this phenomenal project that Iam working with. You can contact me directly with the lead or have themcontact me themselves. The main event is the VIP Garden Tea Fundraiser whichis being held on Saturday, July 29th. We also have an art auction andcommunity festival coming up and we are looking for donations, sponsors,other organizations to partner with, volunteers, or any other resource thatyou can offer. Any contact, lead or resource that you have would be greatlyappreciated. Please read below about Mother's Day Radio.Thank you in advance for your consideration.Timeisha----------------------------------------------------------Mothers Day Radio ( is a call to action. We arecalling for a day of rest from the denigration of women on radio and a dayto uplift the holistic value of women through music. For one day, on MothersDay weekend of 2007, we are asking the radio stations to play no songs withlyrics that denigrate or objectify women.In preparation for this day, we are asking the national hip-hop, R&B, andPop recording artists to come together to create a Mothers Day Album. Thisalbum will highlight the non-sexual, valuable qualities and characteristicsof women that make us the Mothers of Community. This is their opportunity toreveal through their artistry the phenomenal impact that women have made intheir lives and development. The songs from this album will serve assubstitutes for the misogynistic and denigrating songs we rest from on thisday.The coalition of women, men, youth agencies and community organizationsknown as Mothers Day Radio is a project of Spirit Awakening Foundation, a501 (c)(3) public benefit organization. Our coalition of volunteers isworking diligently to see our vision become reality. We have the opportunityto connect with several VIPs in the media and entertainment, as well aspolitical arena, at our Garden Tea Fundraiser on Saturday, July 29, 2006. Wewant this day to be truly splendid. You and/or your company can help us byproviding funds, in-kind donations, and/or services. We will give mention toyour donation and will provide your companys publicity material for ourelite guests.Mother's Day Radio is in need of the following items:- monetary donations- speaker system and microphones- tables and chairs for approx. 60 people- light appetizers and beverages for approx. 60 people- flower arrangements and decorations for a backyard garden tea themeYou may send your tax deductible donation to P.O. Box 60806, Los Angeles, CA90060. Please make the check payable to Spirit Awakening Foundation and besure to write Mother's Day Radio or MDR in the memo/notes section of thecheck. We will mail you our tax ID number for your tax deduction purposes.Please contact Timeisha Winfield, Fundraising Events Coordinator, with any questions or donations leads.Thanking you in advance,Timeisha WinfieldTimeisha@mothersdayradio.comwww.mothersdayradio.comMother's Day Radio (a project of Spirit Awakening Foundation)


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