Page Sixers Getting Many Perks From Sources (NYDN)The New York Post scandal (dubbed "Page Fix" by the Daily News) grew yesterday as those familiar with the gossip page painted a picture of an out-of-control institution where lavish gifts are routinely bestowed on columnist Richard Johnson and his staffers.
E&P: Page Six creator James Brady says Post's gossip page will bounce back.
NYT: In NYC tabloid war, revenge is served in boldface.
NY Sun: Post writer Stern blames billionaire Ron Burkle for "setting him up."
NYDN: New York Post columnist Steve Dunleavy: "The only thing I can say is that [Stern] went f***ing nuts."
FBNY: It's gotta be killing the gossip mongers over at the Post to watch while the Daily News, bloggers and even the New York Times blanket the juiciest media scandal in months: theirs.
As Katrina Recedes, Newspapers Still Float (NYT)While much of the country has moved on from coverage of Katrina, both The Sun Herald and The Times-Picayune remain all Katrina, all the time. For their role in covering and enduring the storm, both papers have received accolades, and next week both may well receive Pulitzer Prizes.
Medill School of Journalism: Times-Picayune wins Medill Medal for Courage for Katrina reporting.
Will Couric Revive News at Night? (NYT)Once Katie Couric arrives at the CBS anchor desk in September, with a contract estimated to be worth $15 million a year, the generational shift in the network evening newscasts will be complete — assuming that Diane Sawyer or Charles Gibson does not ultimately move into that position at ABC.
Newsweek: Will Katie change the evening news, or will it change her?
Newsweek: NBC rewrites familiar script with move to Meredith Vieira.
USAT: Is Couric ready for primetime?
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Jill Carroll's Family Says Thank You (CSM)"We cannot begin to properly thank all of the individuals and organizations who made significant efforts to free Jill. We may never be certain which steps actually led to her release. And we can never be aware of all the people who devoted their time and resources — and took risks — to find her"
Woodward in the Crosshairs (PressThink)Jay Rosen: Not only is Bob Woodward not in the hunt, but he is slowly turning into the hunted. Part of what remains to be uncovered is how Woodward was played by the Bush team, and what they thought they were doing by leaking to him, as well as what he did with the dubious information he got.
Hachette Betting Young Men Want to See Pics of Iraqi Bomb Victims (WWD)The company recently put up on the Web an early incarnation of Under former Stuff editor in chief Mike Hammer, the company is developing a U.S. counterpart to its French title Choc. Said one men's magazine editor: "It is deplorable. So much for that subtle French sensibility." featured jobs
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Nets Increasingly Embrace Podcasts (Mediaweek)Once solely the domain of small-time content producers, podcasts are increasingly being embraced by traditional media players. "The demand has been phenomenal," said Marc Horine, general manager, new media, ESPN Radio, which hits in the million-plus download range.
Condi Had Skin Mags Yanked From State Dept. Newsstands (USN&WR)Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice had Playboy and Penthouse taken off newsstands in the building where she works. She'll face a tougher battle if goes after Maxim and FHM. Maxim, says the newsstands' Richard Williams, is a bestseller.
AOL Full Speed Ahead in Marrying TV With Internet (Independent)The international media giant's chief executive, Jonathan Miller, said internet video would deliver a devastating broadside to traditional television. "We know from television that ad-supported is the fastest way to build a new medium. In-stream video advertising is poised for rapid growth."
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sales@wilengroup.comWaPo Hiring Bloggers From Left and Right (Raw Story)Jim Brady, executive editor of, is looking for a liberal blogger, along with a conservative one, to replace Ben Domenech who resigned when his earlier writings were discovered by mostly liberal bloggers to be racially insensitive and — in multiple cases — plagiarized.
On 80th Birthday, Hef Reflects on Past (AP via USAT)His hair is thinner now and gray, almost white in places. His hearing is gone in one ear and he has the slightest bit of trouble getting up from his library couch after the interview. But otherwise, the man dressed in black silk pajamas and a scarlet silk jacket shows few other signs of being an octogenarian.
Art & Antiques Sold to CurtCo (NYP)Curtco Media aims to bring a new sense of urgency to a once sleepy cultural backwater of publishing that is suddenly percolating to life. Curtco is estimated to have paid Atlanta-based Transworld Publishing around $7 million for the 105,000 circulation magazine. course
Arts Journalism Boot CampNew York Starts April 11Write, pitch, and sell arts and culture stories to magazines. Learn how to break into the market successfully from former Details and Us Weekly editor Janet Steen.
Rob Corddry as Latest Daily Show Success Story? (NYP)Following the massive successes of Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert, being a correspondent for the program now seems like comedy's surefire launching pad to stardom. So who's next? Rob Corddry, the brilliantly deranged "senior analyst" and "God Machine" operator, is at the head of the queue.
from's blogs:
FNC Ignores White House Briefing [TVNewser]Several e-mailers think Fox News Channel is covering the latest developments in the CIA leak case less aggressively than their cable news competitors.
FishbowlDC: Is this a sign of nothing or a sign of how much blood might be in the water today?
Commiserating with an ElleGirl Editor, Budget Living Freelancer [MBToolbox]Mediabistro's resident Chicagoan Claire Zulkey caught up with ElleGirl senior editor Melissa Walker a day after the magazine folded to bitch about the fate of the magazine. Meanwhile, Annie Logue says Budget Living is paying freelancers 33.2% of what they are owed, rather than stiffing them entirely.
The Secret of Paris Hilton, Revealed [FishbowlLA]In a forthcoming Sunday LAT piece, contributor Chris Lee examines the many endeavors of Paris Hilton. In it, DJ Paul Oakenfold issues a sutra we should all memorize about how it is possible for Hilton to succeed as a thrush, let alone as a worldwide icon. Of her voice, he explains: "I think a lot of people were expecting it to be a lot worse than it is."
Spin Hires the 'Madame of Punk Rock Porn' [FishbowlNY]It's been a dizzying few weeks over at Spin, with editors and columnists filing on and off stage like sets at Coachella. Enter their latest hire: Joanna Angel, punk rocker-cum-porn star and founder of four-year-old alternative porn site
Dan Brown Free at Last [GalleyCat]In the eyes of the British legal system, Dan Brown did not systematically rip off Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh while writing The Da Vinci Code. Brown: "After devoting so much time and energy to this case, I'm eager to get back to writing my new novel."
Filter's Cat Power 'Exclusive'? [FishbowlNY]The L.A.-based music mag apparently chose to use the recent tour cancellation by Cat Power (a.k.a Chan Marshall, one of our favorite part-time New Yorkers) for undiscosed personal reasons as an opportunity to promote its latest issue as an "exclusive."
When Companies Change Their Logos, Softly [Unbeige]It looks like Vodafone is getting away from their old logo and moving into one that looks almost indentical, but adds a little 3D in there and an exciting shade of grey to cover up that white. It's subtle enough to make you have to take your time with it.
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