Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Museum of TV & Radio 01/30/06

The Museum of Television & Radio & TV Land Present the World Premiere Screening That's What I'm Talking About Monday, January 30, 2006 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
TV Land's upcoming three-part special takes a frank look at the role of African-Americans in pop culture and media. The Museum will present the first part, in which media experts, Hollywood notables, musicians, and others participate in a lively debate about a wide range of issues that African-Americans experience regularly.
Following the premiere screening of episode one—which features host Wayne Brady and guests Diahann Carroll, Harry Belafonte, Paul Mooney, andTouré—the panel will have a Q & A with the audience.
In Person:
Tonya Lewis Lee, Nikki Silver, and Orly Wiseman, Producers, That's WhatI'm Talking About Wayne Brady, Host, That's What I'm Talking About Spike Lee, Filmmaker, (Do the Right Thing, 25th Hour, Inside

Jessica Schneider
Coordinator, Education Department
The Museum of Television & Radio
25 West 52 Street
New York, NY 10019
Phone (212) 621-6726
Fax (212) 621-6765

Golden Globes 2006 Recap Info

M Night Shyamalan "Lady in the Water"

"'Lady in the Water' is a personal movie with a big idea." - M Night Shyamalan

A Bedtime Story

A modest building manager named Cleveland Heep rescues a mysterious young woman from danger and discovers she is actually a narf, a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the treacherous journey from our world back to hers. Cleveland and his fellow tenants start to realize that they are also characters in this bedtime story. As Cleveland falls deeper and deeper in love with the woman, he works together with the tenants to protect his new fragile friend from the deadly creatures that reside in this fable and are determined to prevent her from returning home.


Paul Giamatti (Cleveland), Bryce Dallas Howard (The Lady), Bob Balaban, J. Bloomrosen (The Divorced Man), Cindy Cheung, Sarita Choudury, Jared Harris, Jeremy Howard, Mary Beth Hurt, Bill Irwin Carla Jimenez (Perez de la Torre Daughter), Natasha Perez (Perez de La Torre Daughter), Joseph D. Reitman, Freddy Rodriguez, M. Night Shyamalan, Brian Steele, Jeffrey Wright

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Produced by M. Night Shyamalan, Sam Mercer Written by M. Night Shyamalan


Jul 21, 2006 - WIDE (Distributor: Warner Bros.)

Medibistro's DAILY MEDIA NEWS FEED 01/27/06

In an extraordinary reversal of her defense of the author whose memoir she catapulted to the top of the best-seller lists, Oprah Winfrey rebuked James Frey, the author of A Million Little Pieces, on her show for lying about his past and portraying the book as a truthful account of his life. Gawker: Best. Television. Ever. NYDN: The dramatic showdown came as a surprising turnaround for the TV talk queen, who had touted A Million Little Pieces on the air, helping make the book last year's second-biggest seller, after Harry Potter. WaPo: Oprah throws the book at herself. LAT: Frey gets humiliation, absolution from Oprah, writes Paul Brownfield. NYT: Oprah takes Frey to TV woodshed, writes Virginia Heffernan. NYT Editorial: In a remarkable moment of television, Winfrey did what we have so often waited for public figures to do: She admitted openly that she had made a mistake in supporting Mr. Frey. Galleycat: The Random House division that published A Million Little Pieces finally
issued an apology. Salon: The daytime queen didn't just expose the lies in James Frey's "memoir." She publicly shamed him—and it was a little creepy, writes Hillary Frey. Slate: The ritual cleansing of a talk-show host.,0,1340298.story?coll=la-homepage-calendar-widget

LIBBY TARGETS REPORTERS IN PLAME DEFENSE (WAPO) Attorneys for Vice President Cheney's former top aide urged a court yesterday to force prosecutors to turn over all the information they obtained from reporters about their confidential conversations with Bush administration sources in the course of a two-year CIA leak investigation. NYT: Libby's lawyers sought to find out "the identity of all reporters who knew that Ms. Wilson worked for the C.I.A., and to discover when they learned such information, from whom they learned it, and whether they disclosed it further after learning it."

POLICE OFFICIAL: ABDUCTED REPORTER JILL CAROLL MAY GO FREE (AP VIA ABC NEWS) A top Iraqi police officer says he thinks kidnapped American reporter Jill Carroll will be freed, and today's release of five Iraqi women from U.S. custody could help. Officials have said the release had nothing to do with the demands by Carroll's kidnappers. CSM: Hope in captivity: How kidnapped journalists coped.

HEATHER GRAHAM'S SITCOM AXED TOO LATE TO HALT MAG COVER (E&P) Who'd a thunk the highly publicized new TV comedy series starring movie cutie Heather Graham would get axed in record time: one week? Certainly not the folks at Life magazine, which features her on the cover of its widely-distributed newspaper supplement this weekend.

MOONVES SAYS CBS WILL SELL THEME PARKS (NYT) The chief executive said the company's theme parks division did not fit with CBS's content-driven business, which includes the television network, television and radio stations, an outdoor advertising business, and a publishing business.

PIXAR'S CREATIVE CHIEF WILL GREENLIGHT FILMS AT DISNEY (LAT) When Walt Disney Co.'s $7.4-billion acquisition of Pixar Animation Studios closes this summer as expected, Pixar's creative chief, John Lasseter, would be empowered to "greenlight" all feature animated movies at both studios.

AUTO ADS ABANDON NEWSPAPER PAGES FOR WEB (WSJ) The decline adds to the woes of the newspaper industry. For years, fat sections of car ads were a dependable source of business for newspaper publishers, accounting for 30 percent of the industry's total classified ad revenue of $16.6 billion in 2004, the last full year for which figures are available.

BIG TOBACCO PAYOLA FOR FOX NEWS WRITER? (TNR) science columnist Steven Milloy has been affiliated with since July 2000. On March 9, 2001, he wrote a column attacking a study by researcher Stephen Hecht, who found that women living with smokers had higher levels of chemicals associated with risk of lung cancer.

Dylan Stableford: For a couple hours, at least, publishers paused from e-media posturing to reflect on swinging, retro era of magazines, when women named Steinem fought for publishing equality and literary lions named Wolfe defined an era.

MATTHEW PERRY SIGNS ON FOR NEW SORKIN DRAMA (GUARDIAN) Perry is returning to NBC, the home of Friends, to play a comedy writer called Matt Albie in Aaron Sorkin's new drama, provisionally called Studio 7. The new show is set behind the scenes of a fictional long-running comedy sketch series, in the tradition of HBO's The Larry Sanders Show.,,1696452,00.html

The publisher of the Wall Street Journal posted a 16 percent rise in quarterly profit on Thursday after a tax gain, and said its critical business-to-business advertising was on the mend.

IN REALITY-TV ERA, ONLY REMAINING TABOO IS ACTING BORING (WWD) The E network has hired Isaac Mizrahi to conduct red-carpet interviews on its Academy Awards pre-show on March 5. Mizrahi's recent outrageous behavior at the Golden Globes generated a wave of critical articles, but also helped the network reach an average of 1.6 million viewers.

ABC yesterday became the latest TV network to shake up its advertising duties as the major broadcasters continue seeking fresh ways to promote new prime-time shows that haven't captured big audiences. Mediaweek: Wieden + Kennedy won media planning and buying duties for ABC TV network and the ABC Family cable channel.

AARON BROWN: TRUTH DOESN'T MATTER ON TV NEWS ANYMORE (PALM BEACH DAILY NEWS) "Television is the most perfect democracy," Brown said. "You sit there with your remote control and vote." The remotes click to another channel when serious news airs, but when the media covers the scandals surrounding Laci Peterson, the Runaway Bride or Michael Jackson, "there are no clicks then."

James Brady: Bonnie Fuller isn't a member of "the club." She's not an insider, not one of the Condé Nast boys and not a Time Inc. smoothie. She's the U. of Toronto rather than the Harvard. Let's put it this way: She and Graydon Carter of Vanity Fair do not travel in the same circles.

As most of the Fairchild operation continues to be dismantled and crunched into Condé Nast, at least two key people who resigned when the division was still a separate fiefdom run by former Fairchild president Mary Berner are returning to their old homes.

HOW BUSH DUCKS QUESTIONS AT A PRESS CONFERENCE (SLATE) Dealing with delicate issues on camera, Bush keeps his mouth shut. The pause to think gives him away. When he doesn't punch out a response, he's not puzzling out the answer. He's puzzling out the spin.

SULZ: NYT NEWSROOM 'NOT IN TURMOIL' (MARKETWATCH) Jon Friedman: As his fellow attendees this week at the annual Davos gathering in Switzerland are presumably discovering, he's never dull. Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is not only the most youthful-looking media titan around, but he's one of the few who welcomes critiques.

'LITTLE RUSS' FUSSES OVER HUFFPO JIBES (LOWDOWN) Lloyd Grove: Celebrity blogger Arianna Huffington regularly attacks "Meet the Press" moderator Tim Russert as a Washington insider who gets chummy with the powerful. Usually there's no response. But now Huffington has really gotten under Russert's skin.

EDITOR PUTS DICTATORS IN THEIR PLACE (WAPO) Parade assigned its annual World's Worst Dictators issue to contributing editor David Wallechinsky, author of the Book of Lists series and a forthcoming volume about tyrants. He observes the evildoings of evildoers, "like some people follow American Idol," he says.

FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK... (BUSINESSWEEK) Jon Fine: Rock radio is increasingly a victim of fragmenting demographics. The sole genre posting sales gains last year was Latin. Arena rock shows that once promised spectacle for less than a sawbuck have bloated into elite affairs resembling closed corporate events.

Maurice Hinchey: It will not be easy to reverse our recent history of media consolidation. But unless we do, another dangerous trend will continue: the dumbing down of America.

PLENTY OF MEDIA FOLK ON 'MOST LOATHSOME' LIST (BUFFALO BEAST) Geraldo Rivera, Michelle Malkin, Martha Stewart, Rita Cosby, Kenneth Tomlinson, and Judy Miller all make the top-50 list, along with many other media notables from around the country.

AT&T REACHES OUT AND TOUCHES … ENDEAVOR FishbowlLA exclusive: Just as AT&T undertakes a massive effort to sell television service in the United States - a move that puts them in direct competition with cable and satellite companies - the telephony giant has retained talent agency Endeavor to advise them "in all of their content acquisitions and activities," per a source familiar with the deal.

BUSINESSWEEK: MORE BLOGS, FEWER ADS [FISHBOWLNY] Two pieces of interesting, semi-complementary news from BusinessWeek: blogs are up, and ad pages are down.

NBC VIEWERS CATCH DANGLING CAMERA [TVNEWSER] .. As Bush began to speak, the camera started to dangle above the heads of several reporters. As shown in the screen grabs, it was only visible on NBC's camera shot.

Maybe it's called Dog Days for a reason? Slow, lethargic, etc. Our cousin over at Galleycat has discovered from Bookscan that Wonkette Ana Marie Cox's debut novel isn't exactly flying off the shelves -- especially if one considers all of the earned media she got.

NO MORE SYMPATHY AFTER HIS FUNNY ABOUT THE PRADA STORE BURNING [UNBEIGE] Our bff-section-4-life Thursday Styles rocked us today with a report on what's going down with the Prada store whose building caught on fire over the weekend.

JAMES FREY GETS HIS, TAKES IT LIKE MAN(?) [GALLEYCAT] Hoo boy: I'm not going to be able to see Oprah until late tonight, but I hear from Gawker and now from Edward Wyatt that she's superpissed. What amuses me the most, though, is that in Chicago, the show got pre-empted by a Bush news conference.

If you feel that your writing is lacking a little something, specifically, good input, maybe it's time you joined a writers group. The following is a list of Writers' Groups.

NAMIC Leadership Conference

I am pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for Session III of the NAMIC Leadership Seminar -- a professional development program focusing on transforming high-potential managers and supervisors of color into tomorrow’s skilled leaders.

Session III will be held in Los Angeles, California at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, March 16-17. NAMIC encourages all Silver and Gold-level members who are interested in attending to secure the endorsement of their companies prior to applying. We also encourage Platinum-level members to nominate candidates for this exciting program. Each class is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. Curriculum details and applications for Session III can be found on the NAMIC website (

Modeled after our highly prestigious Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) at UCLA’s Anderson Graduate School of Management, the two-day Leadership Seminar is designed to:

Assist managers and supervisors by placing a stronger emphasis on analyzing different leadership styles and achieving results through team leadership
Help managers and supervisors recognize the power of feedback and mentoring as developmental tools
Create an environment for career design and continuous leadership planning and development
Keep managers and supervisors interested and involved in our industry, and facilitate their movement through the pipeline and into positions of greater responsibility

A key component of the Leadership Seminar - launched in 2005 with the generous support of The Walter Kaitz Foundation - is the focus on the individual to determine his/her strengths and developmental needs.

Program Overview

Continuous leadership development is important for all managers and supervisors. While the core lessons that need to be taught and reinforced are the same, regardless of one’s race or gender, how these lessons become new behavior norms often varies, depending upon each individual’s cultural background.

The NAMIC Leadership Seminar brings together top academics and practitioners from across the country (many of whom serve on the NAMIC ELDP faculty) to provide a leadership development experience for midlevel managers of color. The program is designed to increase individuals’ effectiveness at work, while taking into account the uniqueness of their cultural contexts.

Eligibility and Application Information

The ideal candidate for the NAMIC Leadership Seminar is:

In a mid-level professional position (manager, supervisor or coordinator) in his/her company. Candidates should be in a position where they either manage (directly or indirectly) or significantly influence others
A strong performer
On track for promotion or part of the company’s formal/informal succession plan
Motivated to succeed and aspiring to higher, more responsible positions
Supported by his/her supervisor and by senior management for participation in the NAMIC Leadership Seminar

Tuition for the Leadership Seminar is $1,500 per person and includes books, materials and meals. Additional expenses for travel and lodging are also the responsibility of the participants’ employers.

Application Deadline for the March Seminar in Los Angeles, California

Due Date: No later than February 16, 2006
Mail to: NAMIC
The Leadership Seminar
336 West 37th Street, Suite 302
New York, NY 10018

If you have any questions about the Leadership Seminar, please feel free to call me at (212) 594-5985 or via email at

NYC: Zoom In Awards

One of the media industry’s most talked about events, The Second Annual Zoom In Awards, will take place on Monday, February 20th at the Puck Building in New York City. In addition to honoring excellence from below the line, this year’s Zoom In Awards will bestow Lifetime Achievement Awards to:
Geoff Gilmore, Executive Director of the Sundance Film Festival, presented by David Linde, Focus Features
Jon Kamen, Grammy and Oscar® Award Winner; Chairman and Principal/Founder of, presented by Matt Miller, AICP
Dede Allen, Legendary three time Oscar® Nominee Editor (Bonnie and Clyde, The Breakfast Club, Dog Day Afternoon)

You are invited to join us in this celebration where you will meet our distinguished honorees, top media executives from around the country and our celebrity panel of jurors, including:
Lisa Cholodenko (Director of High Art and Laurel Canyon)
Jason Kliot (Co-Founder Deutsch/Open City Films)
John Pierson (Legendary Independent Film Producer's Rep)
Maud Nadler (Senior Vice President, HBO Films)
Shelly Palmer (Chairman of the National Emmy Advanced Media Committee)
Evan Schechtman (Co-Founder/CTO Outpost Digital)
John Woody (Apple Distinguished Educator, James Madison University Digital Media Program)
Marc Laub (Feature Film & Sound Editor, Episodic TV Director, Board Member, Editors Guild)

The awards ceremony will also present the winners of student and professional competitions in digital editing, cinematography and graphics/fx.
This year’s awards ceremony will be followed by a special performance by dynamic New York indie duo Bravo Silva and dancing and mingling until midnight in the Zoom In Lounge featuring New York’s foremost nightlife personalities and DJs The MisShapes.

We invite you to support our efforts by placing an ad in our inaugural Zoom In Awards Event Journal. This event not only presents a tremendous opportunity to reach an important and influential audience, but also shows your support and acknowledgement of our honorees and allows you to contribute to the mentoring of the next generation of below the line talent.
Last year's event was sold out -
Order your tickets today: Download your form for Tables, Tickets & Journal Ads here.
Seating is limited, so please contact Ms. Gerry Brahney as soon as possible to confirm your reservation.
Direct Phone: (732) 528-1832
For more information on the Zoom In Awards or to view last year's finalists, please visit

HHDX Newsletter Vol.7.03 Newsletter Vol 7.03

Daddy Yankee: More Than Music Daddy Yankee speaks on working with PaulWall and Snoop Dogg as well as beef withother artists
Callin Out Names The Black Race is dead! So folks I'mtelling you...I Don't Wanna Be Black Anymore!
Robin Thicke: Blue Eyed Soul What made Pharrell move away from Justin Timberlake and want to work with and sign Robin to Star Trak? Read!

HIP HOP NEWS (Updated Daily)

Friday, Jan 20 2006HHDX News Bits (Friday)
Thursday, Jan 19 2006A New G-Unit First Lady??
Mays & Benzino Fired!!!
Cam'ron VS Jay-Z!?!?!
Saigon Stabbed in Robbery Attempt
Wednesday, Jan 18 2006Def Jam Preps Vendetta Prequel
True Life: The Diary of Alicia Keys
Emcee Set to Share B.I.G.'s Death Date
GOOD Music Hits the Grammy's
Tuesday, Jan 17 2006Interscope Pulls Plug on 'Snitchin'
Judge Speaks on Mystikal's Sentence
E-40 Gets Hyphy with Lil Jon
Diddy's Unforgivable Act
Monday, Jan 16 2006DMX Talks New Label, Album

Gotta Love It (Jay-Z Diss) - Cam'ron
Last Laugh - Ras Kass
Freestyle 2006 - Memphis Bleek
How The Hell - I-20 (f. Young Buck & Ludacris)
Line of Fire - Hell Rell f. J.R. Writer
Niggaz Get Killed For Less - Fat Joe
Keep Runnin - Fabolous f. Beanie Sigel & Cam'ron
Address Me as Mister - Busta Rhymes f. Papoose

Snoop Dogg - Welcome To The Chuuch: The Album
Disturbing the Peace - Ludacris Presents Disturbing the Peace

Twista feat Pitbull - Hit The Floor

On The Outs In Theatres Nationwide

The Scoop by Chriss Coats 01/27/06


© Singer Pete Doherty Pleads Guilty
Pete Doherty, the sometime boyfriend of Kate Moss, was jailed Friday after pleading guilty to possessing drugs for the second time in a week.

© Joaquin Phoenix Uninjured in Car Accident
Joaquin Phoenix's car overturned on a canyon road and collided with another vehicle after his brakes went out, but there were no reports of injury, police said.

© Ex-'SNL' Star Pleads Not Guilty to DUI
Former "Saturday Night Live" star Tracy Morgan is heading to court after pleading not guilty to charges of drunken driving, prosecutors said Thursday.

© Kidman Accepts Role As Goodwill Ambassador
Nicole Kidman has a new role — working to advance women's rights around the globe as a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. The Oscar-winning actress will work with the United Nations Development Fund for Women, UNIFEM, on critical gender concerns such as ending violence against women.

© Gere, Berry Are Hasty Pudding Recipients
Richard Gere and Halle Berry are this year's recipients of the annual Hasty Pudding awards, given by a student drama group at Harvard University.

© Meg Ryan Adopts Baby Girl From China
Meg Ryan has adopted a baby girl from China. The 44-year-old actress recently traveled to China for the adoption. She and her new child are now home in California together, Ryan's publicist Stephen Huvane confirmed Thursday.

Daily News

Former Army Ranger John Paulus swore he wasn't going to sell out singer Clay Aiken when we contacted him last week about rumors that he'd had sex with the supposedly straight "American Idol" star. "They couldn't pay me enough to have my pics on the supermarket stand," he told us at the time. "I am not the type of guy that would make life difficult for anyone." But that was then. Turn to page 10 of the new National Enquirer, and there's shirtless John Paulus, talking about his alleged hotel "romp" with the 27-year-old Aiken. "On Dec. 16, using the screen name of 'valleyprettyboy,' Clay sent me his first instant message," Paulus claims.

Dave Navarro had the cojones to sit at rival rocker Tommy Lee's VIP table while Lee was deejaying at the Thrive/Benderspink bash at Cain's Sundance outpost. A member of Lee's entourage physically ejected Navarro, hissing, "You're always trying to steal Tommy's thunder." Leaving with pal Jack Osbourne, Navarro shot back, "I am just sick of this bull-!

That was Jon Bon Jovi - trying to be camera-ready for yesterday's minute-long "Today" show appearance to hype arena football - getting an emergency trim the previous evening at Sally Hershberger's W. 14th St. salon, where a haircut goes for up to $600. The shaggily highlighted New Jersey rocker, who co-owns the Philadelphia Soul team, yakked on his cell phone during his session but apparently didn't want to admit where he was. "I have to get off now, baby, because I've got a meeting," he told one caller. A Lowdown spy reports: "I thought it was funny that Mr. Macho Bon Jovi had to go to the hairdresser before he went on the air as a jock."

Looks like self-labeled Video Vixen Karrine Steffans has wasted no time finding a replacement for HBO host Bill Maher. It's an old boyfriend, singer-actor Ray J. The other night at Mel's Diner in L.A., Steffans, who split with Maher just before the Golden Globes, swapped spit with Ray J while Serena Williams and her entourage looked on in amazement. "It was certainly hot and heavy," said a spy. Ray J's technique got a rave review in Steffans' recent memoir, "Confessions of a Video Vixen," in which the author reveals: "When Ray and I made love, we would go for hours on end, each hour more satisfying than the last." I'll draw a veil over the rest.

© MTV's 'Barkers' are back for amour
Meet the Barkers. Dad Travis, former drummer of punk band Blink-182, has a 6-inch Mohawk. Mom Shanna is an actress and erstwhile Miss U.S.A.

NY Post

ELTON John is about to descend on his much-maligned new musical "Lestat," and the cast and crew are gnawing their nails.

EVERYONE knows fashionistas hate to wait. When Madonna showed up an hour late to designer Jean Paul Gaultier's couture show in Paris Wednesday, the claws came out. The Material Mom, masked in giant black sunglasses, was whisked through the crowd behind a phalanx of muscleheads, who steamrolled reporters on the way to her seat. Adding insult, she waived off questions about her reported split from Guy Richie and the sudden death of her ex-brother-in-law, Chris Penn. Of course, the Brits got their revenge: "Her skin was stretched taut across her razor-sharp cheekbones , and her chin was puckered in a most unflattering manner," the London Mirror sniped.

THE Chateau Marmont has always been a hub of clandestine Hollywood hookups, but the windows of the famed hotel must be fogging up with all the amorous action there lately. Our spy swears Jessica Simpson took a break from partying with Kirsten Dunst the other night to disappear into Maroon 5 man-whore Adam Levine's room - and didn't emerge until the next morning. "She was picked up by her best friend, Cacee Cobb, that morning," our snitch tattled. Simpson's rep has steadfastly shot down rumors of a romance with the skirt-chasing singer in the past. Meanwhile, newly single Jude Law - who broke up with molten-hot Sienna Miller last week - has been spotted around the Marmont making time with a stripper he met at the nearby Body Shop, the Sunset Strip mammary mecca famously name-checked in Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls." But our spy sniffs that Law's latest squeeze is a far cry from the beautiful Miller: "He's been going to the Body Shop strip club every night and hanging out with this nasty young brunette - she is really beat looking."

USA Today

© Spector's deposition to be released
Part of Phil Spector's deposition testimony in a civil court battle with his former attorney will be released to prosecutors in his murder case, even though it contains no "smoking gun," a judge ruled Thursday.

Hollywood Reporter

© Dowling to 'Rock' on
Paramount Pictures and MTV Films have tapped scribe Tim Dowling to adapt Gordon Korman's comic novel "Born to Rock." Gavin O'Connor will helm, with Solaris Entertainment's Greg O'Connor and Josh Fagin producing. The coming-of-age story centers on Leo, a college-bound young Republican who loses his scholarship to Harvard after being erroneously implicated in a school prank. As his dreams for the future evaporate, he learns that his biological father is a legendary rock icon setting out on a reunion tour. Leo goes on the road with the band with the hidden agenda of getting his father to pay his tuition. The film focuses on the unlikely father and son relationship that evolves during the band's tour.


© With its self-titled CD/DVD debut ready for a March 17 release via Disney Sound, the kid-staffed Devo 2.0 is preparing to take the original band's music to such unlikely locales as state fairs and suburban shopping malls. Devo co-founder Jerry Casale has spent the past couple of weeks in rehearsals with the five pre-teen members in advance of eventual live performances this spring.

© Rob Zombie will unleash his third solo album, "Educated Horses," March 28 via Geffen. First single "Foxy Foxy" is due to arrive the second week of February at U.S. rock radio outlets; a video will be shot next month in Los Angeles by Zombie and cinematographer Phil Parmet, who previously worked on the Zombie horror film "The Devil's Rejects."

© College radio mainstays Nada Surf and Rogue Wave will begin a North American tour Feb. 8 in Federal Hill, Md. The outing will run through March 11 in Toronto, with support from King Of France and Inara George. March 8: Webster Hall

© In a first, iTunes is offering a download of a performance from NBC's "Today" show. "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree," the first single from KT Tunstall's Feb. 7 Virgin album, "Eye to the Telescope," is available as a free video download on iTunes until the album release date.

© Alternate versions of tracks by Le Tigre, the Chemical Brothers and Gorillaz will be found on production duo DFA's "The DFA Remixes -- Chapter One" due April 4 via DFA/Astralwerks. The collection also features remixes of material from Blues Explosion, Soulwax, Radio 4, Fischerspooner, Metro Area and Hot Chip.

© Avril Lavigne will take a break from working on her third studio album to perform April 12 at the fourth Volvo for Life Awards at New York's Rainbow Room. The event honors local heroes as nominated on through Jan. 31. Beforehand, the artist is set for a Feb. 21 acoustic set as part of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Turino, Italy.


© While Paris Hilton partied at Sundance, her lawyers got down to business in the $10 million defamation lawsuit filed against her by Zeta Graff, the ex of her ex Paris Latsis. On Tuesday, they asked the court for permission to have their psychologist examine Graff, since she's claiming emotional distress. Hilton's attorneys also told the Los Angeles judge that they plan to file a countersuit against Graff. The case is due back in court on March 2.

© Hot on the heels of his collaborations with Gwen Stefani ("Luxurious") and Beyoncé ("Check on It"), Slim Thug says he's recorded a track for Busta Rhymes' upcoming LP, The Big Bang, due in March.

© Hilary Duff is going back for seconds with Candie's, posing once again for the shoe and clothing brand, but this time she's got a little help from Ciara, Michelle Trachtenberg and Samaire Armstrong. Together, the girls have a pillow fight (for the newly launched home collection) and saunter down the red carpet with their shopping bags in tow for the spring television and print campaign. The campaign, which will launch in March, features Duff's song "Supergirl."

© Conor Oberst's Bright Eyes will be honored in April by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, during the organization's annual Media Awards. GLAAD's picked Bright Eyes as the recipient of its Special Recognition Award; actor/director John Cameron Mitchell, who helmed the band's video for "First Day of My Life," will share the honor. The video features straight and gay couples sitting on a couch, listening to the track for the first time. The GLAAD Media Awards will air on Logo on April 15 and VH1 on April 16

© Music from the Darkness' latest album, One Way Ticket to Hell ... and Back, is the focal point of an online video game called "The Darkness: Duel With the Devil." "Duel," which is reminiscent of the handheld electronic game Simon, features a guitar-playing Beelzebub strumming Darkness chords. Each shred illuminates a candle, and gamers must click on the candles in the exact same order — or, predictably, you're cast into the fiery pits of hell. You can check the game out at

Monday, January 30
David Letterman: Scarlett Johansson, Tiki Barber (R 1/10/06)
Jay Leno: Dominic Monaghan, Dennis Rodman, P.O.D.
Late Late Show: Emma Thompson, Steve Byrne
Conan O'Brien: Ricky Gervais, Stephen King, Nickel Creek (R 9/23/05)
Daily Show: Randy Jackson
Colbert Report: Annie Duke
The View: The show's most outrageous moments
Regis and Kelly: Kristin Cavallari, the latest "Dancing With The Stars" cast-off
Ellen DeGeneres: Jon Cryer, Jennifer Esposito, Westminster Kennel Club dogs

Tuesday, January 31
David Letterman: Kiefer Sutherland, Andy Samberg, Alicia Keys (R 1/12/06)
Jay Leno: Harrison Ford, Bryce Dallas Howard, Juanes
Late Late Show: Eddie Izzard, Piper Perabo
Conan O'Brien: Benjamin Bratt, Broken Social Scene
Daily Show: Charles Barkley
Colbert Report: Reporter Dave Marish
The View: The co-hosts then and now
Regis and Kelly: Meredith Vieira, Randy Jackson
Ellen DeGeneres: Michael Buble

Wednesday, February 1
David Letterman: Jim Carrey, We Are Scientists (R 12/19/05)
Jay Leno: Snoop Dogg, Ron White
Late Late Show: Lynn Redgrave, Mute Math
Conan O'Brien: Meredith Vieira, Jim Gaffigan
Daily Show: Michael Beschloss
Colbert Report: Emily Yoffe
The View: Favorite celebrity moments
Regis and Kelly: Jeff Probst
Ellen DeGeneres: Jason Mraz, 5-year-old trumpeter Geoffrey Gallante

Thursday, February 2
David Letterman: Tommy Lee Jones, Anthony Hamilton
Jay Leno: Roseanne Barr, Sue Johanson, Sergio Mendes featuring
Late Late Show: Jean Reno
Conan O'Brien: Bette Midler
Daily Show: Robert O'Harrow, Jr.
Colbert Report: Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
The View: The 2,000th episode with Regis Philbin, Tom Selleck
Regis and Kelly: Bette Midler, the "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" Fab Five
Ellen DeGeneres: Teri Hatcher, Paul Bettany

Friday, February 3
David Letterman: Diddy, Train
Jay Leno: Jarod Miller, Collective Soul
Late Late Show: Kiefer Sutherland, motocross rider Travis Pastrane, Rocco DeLuca
Conan O'Brien: Sarah Vowell, Rick Moranis
The View: Guest memoriam
Regis and Kelly: Sean Paul

Friday, January 13, 2006

HHDX Vol. 7.02 Newsletter Vol 7.02


Thursday, Jan 12 2006

Wu Tang Clan: About to Bounce Back
HHDX News Bits (Thursday)
Outkast talk Idlewild, Rosa Parks
K Fed: The Next Eminem??

Wednesday, Jan 11 2006
Ras Kass Institutionalized Again
The NAACP Loves to 'Hate Chris'
Sway Makes Big Moves at MTV
Ras Kass Institutionalized Again?!?!

Tuesday, Jan 10 2006
Tom Green Gets Geto
DX Dirt, Week 15
Sigel Pleads Guilty to Assault
HHDX News Bits (Tuesday)

Monday, Jan 09 2006
HHDX News Bits (Monday Part 1)
HHDX News Bits (Monday Part 2)
HHDX News Bits (Monday Part 3)
DMX Cleaning Up His Act?

JR Writer: Million Dollar Dipset Just who is the newest Dipset member that has a million dollar deal on the table? JR Writer that's who!
Cool & Dre: Battle It Out The producers of "Hate It Or Love It"speak on the biz and how aspiring emcee scan get a $100K record deal thru a videogame!
Who The Hell Am I? Why are YOU scared? Why are YOU scared of US? YOU fear the hip hop generation but why? I'll tellyou hate us!

Cassidy Anthem - Cassidy
Hustlaz Song - Lupe Fiasco
2006 Preview - PackFM
Like That - Ghostface f. Neyo
That's a Bet - JR Writer f. Paul Wall
Best Rapper Alive Pt. 2 - Lil Wayne
My Muzik - Franchize Boyz f. UGK

Snoop Dogg - Welcome To The Chuuch: The Album
Disturbing the Peace - Ludacris Presents Disturbing the Peace

Juvenile - Rodeo

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

World Premiere Screening

MT&R e-newsletter January 2006
The Museum of Television & Radio & TV Land Present the World Premiere Screening That's What I'm Talking About

Monday, January 30, 2006

6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

TV Land's upcoming three-part special takes a frank look at the role of African-Americans in pop culture and media. The Museum will present the first part, in which media experts, Hollywood notables, musicians, and others participate in a lively debate about a wide range of issues that African-Americans experience regularly. Following the premiere screening of episode one-which features host Wayne Brady and guests Diahann Carroll, Harry Belafonte, Paul Mooney, and Touré-the show's producers, Nikki Silver, Orly Wiseman, and Tonya Lewis Lee, will be joined by select talent for Q & A with the audience. That's What I'm Talking About premieres on TV Land in three installments airing on Wednesdays, February 1, 8, and 15.

Event Tickets
$15 ($12 for individual Museum Members). $7 for students with valid ID. Purchase tickets in the Museum lobby Tuesdays to Sundays from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. and until 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Call (212) 621-6600 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.

Urban Music Explosiona at SOB's

On Monday, February 13th @ SOB's in NYC, Urban Threshold Inc. in association with SOB's will present the Urban Music Explosion. This will be the premier winter concert showcase for independent artists. We are presently seeking talented R&B/Hip Hop/and Reggae artist to perform in this top level music industry event.

Many great artists have graced the stage of SOB's like Common, Floetry, Erykah Badu, Beenie Man, Mary J. Blige, The Bootcamp Click, Big Daddy Kane, Dead prez, Jean Grae, KRS One, Kurtis Blow, Little Brother, Nas, Pete Rock, The Roots, and many more..
Have you ever wondered how do you get booked at SOB's? Well, now is your chance!!
The Urban Music Explosion – a new quarterly concert showcase series involving signed and independent artists and fashion shows by top designers at the world famous SOB’s starting in Feb. 2006. This is a joint venture between SOB’s and Urban Threshold Inc. This is going to be explosive!



PLACE: SOB'S - 204 Varick Street at West Houston in NYC 16 acts will compete- Each Hip Hop, REGGAE and R&B artist will get to perform 2 songs.

1ST Place Prize:

20 minute in-studio interview on Promo Radio 91.9FM
Buzz Factor feature in the Promo Radio Online Industry Newsletter
A slot on the Urban Music Explosion Mixtape hosted by DJ L
A profile on Urban Threshold Television

2nd Place Prize: 15-minute interview on Promo Radio 91.9Fm,
1 song in rotation on Promo Radio 91.9FM for 2 months ,
An artist of the week profile on Hip Hop,
One Free performance at a future showcase,
Buzz Factor feature in the Promo Radio Online Industry Newsletter

3rd Place Prize: -1 song in rotation on Promo Radio 91.9FM for 1 month and a Buzz Factor feature in the Promo Radio Online Industry Newsletter

Sam Taylor - A&R of Atlantic Records
Til Welch - Director of A&R of SoSo/Def/Virgin Records
Ramsey - A&R Consultant of Rocafella/Def Jam

Each judge/industry personnel will have a point system with which they will judge each talent. All artists will be judge by the same criteria - Musical selection, audience response, creativity, presence and routine delivery.




16 acts will compete- Each Hip Hop, REGGAE and R&B artist will get to perform 2 songs.


SPONSORS: Promo Radio 91.9FM, Hip Hop, Urban Threshold TV, Mars Universe Films, Mr RAW Entertainment.

Our Price: $10.00 Learn More's DAILY NEWS FEED's
edited by David S. Hirschman
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

TW'S BEWKES SEES NO NEED FOR BREAKUP [MARKETWATCH] Despite pressure from billionaire investor Carl Icahn, TimeWarner's COO says no "material gain" would come from spinning off the company's cable and publishing businesses.

Increasingly, book editors say the genre inhabits a "grey area" between fact and fiction. Doubleday shrugs off revelations about James Frey.

FOR ALL-NEWS CHANNELS, THE FUTURE IS ENGLISH [NYT] Rolling news channels are emerging everywhere from India to Russia to Qatar, and they have settled on a lingua franca: English.

QUESTIONS OVER KIDNAP STORY BLACKOUT [E&P] The president of Military Reporters and Editors (MRE), Sig Christenson, criticizes US media outlets for agreeing to a two-day blackout to hide news that American journalist Jill Carroll had been abducted in Iraq. Slate: How long is long enough before it's OK to report the story?

LET'S HEAR IT FOR NEWSPAPERS [MARKETWATCH] Despite all the commentary and seeming evidence to the contrary, newspapers are still good buys for investors, says Thomas Kostigen. Where else do you find 20 to 30 percent profit margins?

Ad pages are still slow, but overall sales for the industry showed a healthy lift over 2004.

Jon Friedman: Kurt Andersen is the reluctant Godfather of Snark.

Ombud Calame's column accusing his paper of "stonewalling" went overboard, says Voice critic. Shouldn't we save some of our anger for the president?,schanberg,71637,6.html

Salon columnist says she knew all along that JT Leroy was a fake, but still let herself be "sucked in."

D.C. emergency medical technicians treated David E. Rosenbaum as if he were intoxicated and not the victim of a beating and robbery Friday night, a misdiagnosis that delayed treatment for the longtime journalist.

Former Disney boss will host Conversations with Michael Eisner on CNBC. No launch date has been set. NYT: Show is "first of several projects" Eisner plans to announce.

Michael Rooney and Tom Beusse are seen as likely contenders to head Time4Media division.

An outright purchase would be too expensive, but a distribution deal seems in the works.

Salon's Farhad Manjoo says the shock jock's new Sirius radio program is much the same as his old one.

The controversial TV program loses one advertiser, and others seem reluctant to buy spots.

Satire: One year after a devastating tsunami, four months after the fury of Katrina, mere days after a tragedy underground, which emotions will overtake Anderson Cooper next?

DES MOINES PUBLISHER KRUIDENIER DIES [NYT] David Kruidenier, a former publisher of The Des Moines Register who devoted much of his post-newspaper career to revitalizing downtown Des Moines, was 84.

A British civil servant and a former researcher appeared in court on Tuesday as part of an unfolding legal battle over claims that President Bush proposed bombing Al Jazeera's headquarters.

HACHETTE READIES FOR DIGITAL AGE [ADAGE] The publisher has named Marta Wohrle as VP-director of digital media, responsible for the development of 16 websites, four mobile applications, digital editions for all Hachette titles, joint ventures in new media, video-on-demand and new media acquisitions.

TIME SCALES BACK OVERSEAS PRESENCE [GUARDIAN] Half of the magazine's London editorial staff is being slashed, following the recent axing of bureau chiefs in Moscow, Seoul, and Beijing.,7495,1683441,00.html

B-TO-B EDITORS 'CONCERNED' OVER ETHICS [FOLIO] A survey of editors at 157 trade publications reveals concern over product placement and increasing pressure to blur the lines between advertising and editorial.

FISHBOWLLA EXCLUSIVE: FISHBURNE, SHEIK CONJURE THE ALCHEMIST ON FILM [FISHBOWLLA] FishbowlLA has learned that a financing package is fast coming together for Laurence Fishburne's The Alchemist thanks to Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates.

Soft Skull Press has unveiled a new publishing venture with PopMatters, an indie site devoted to pop culture reviews and other feature stories. The PopMatters Books imprint will take the site's tradition of strong-voiced cultural criticism and apply it to the print medium.

EISNER: "AN ALMOST INSATIABLE CURIOSITY" & AN "INCESSANT QUESTIONER" [TVNEWSER] CNBC president Mark Hoffman approached Michael Eisner with the idea for "Conversations" after seeing the former Disney exec fill in for Charlie Rose on PBS one night last October, the AP says.

FOUND: SODUKU-PLAYING WH CORRESPONDENT [FISHBOWLDC] Not only does the Washington Times' Joe Curl play Sudoku, he's also got some choice words for those WH correspondents who said a collective "Wha?" at the mere mention of the game...

HOW TO GET YOUR SELF-PUBLISHED PRINT-ON-DEMAND BOOK INTO BARNES & NOBLE [MBTOOLBOX] Having published a small book with a small press, I've had good and bad experiences doing so. Ups: getting the finished product, procuring a review from Booklist. Downs: lots and lots of legwork that can yield some, but not lots and lots of results. This is not to say that I'm not proud of what I did. But I probably won't do it again.

HE'S A MAN, BABY! ACTUALLY, TWO OF THEM: THE SECRET IDENTITY OF NOAH TALL [FISHBOWLNY] It's Literary Unmasking Week! Yesterday, JT Leroy; today, Noah Tall, the mysterious and shadowy author of Blink parody Blank: The Power of Not Actually Thinking At All, first brought to you a month ago by FishbowlNY.

Screenwriting tips!

Screenwriting Tips from a Screenplay Contest Judge by Gordy Hoffman

After cracking hundreds of screenplays sent into the BlueCat Screenplay Competition, the same problems in the execution of the story and script continue to emerge. Here is a general overview of these persistent issues.

Do you realize what you're saying??

In the theatre, they read plays aloud over and over in the process of script development, and one of the reasons they do this is to hear the dialogue. When I hear dialogue in my head, it might sound very good, but then when I hear a person actually speak it, I often have an impulse to jump in front of a bus.

And over and over and over and over, when I read screenplay entries to BlueCat, I am immediately dismayed when the characters start speaking. Excellent everything else, awful dialogue. And I often wonder if the writer has actually heard the lines they have written for their characters out loud. Either read the whole thing aloud to yourself, or even better, get a group of your friends to read it. You do not need professional actors to evaluate dialogue. Just people excited to help. Videotape it. I have videotaped readings, and then sat down and worked out an entire rewrite off the tape, addressing every single line that bothered me. Which leads me to another thing.


It's hard to pass a screenplay on to industry contacts if an unfunny joke is sitting in the middle of page two. It’s highly difficult if there’s twelve by page five. You might have a payoff in your third act that would break my heart, but if your jokes are poor, the heart of your audience will be shot, probably resentful, and your work will be recycled. Please try your humor out. If your beats aren’t funny to some people, rewrite. Trust a truly hilarious bit is coming. Think of the patience you need to muster through this writing process as courage, because it is.
If you find you are not funny, write a script that is not funny. Many, many great scripts are not funny, as we all know.


Do you think the development people in Los Angeles, basically the smartest people in the film industry, will not be annoyed and continue to read your script when you have misspelled three words in the first five pages? Perhaps. How do you feel when you're reading something and you find misspelled words? How does your attitude shift towards the author? Exactly. If you don't think many scripts have this problem, start a screen writng comptition.


Try to limit your scene description. When a person opens your script, how many INCHES of action slug are they looking at on page one? Is there anyway you can convey what you want us to SEE with less words? I always go back and CUT CUT CUT to prevent my screenplay from fatiguing my reader with excess words as they try to listen for my story. Do we need to know what necklace someone is wearing? We all understand making motion pictures is collaborative. I strive to let the art department and the costumer and the prop master and so on DO THEIR JOB by not making their decisions in the screenplay, because I have little passion for it and don’t do it well. They will make their own choices, and most likely better ones, so why bother?

Always use fewer words to say the same thing.

It's not show and tell, it's show not tell.

I constantly find myself being told something by the screenplay the viewer of the film will not be aware of. Screenplays are not literature. They are words assembled to describe what motion pictures will play out on the screen.

Telling us a character is a jealous person is passive and dull. Showing a character in an act of jealousy is more effective and essentially cinematic. Let the words and actions of your characters carry your story. This is not easy. You want the actor or director to understand what you want and what you mean. Allow the description of physical actions and the recording of spoken words reveal the narrative to the filmmakers. The script will read faster and offers the reader a richer opportunity to imagine and discover.

The Joy of Making Things Up.

I really cherish the idea, that as a writer, I can make things up. If I want the guy to say something, all I have to do is type it. But I have to fight against creating characters and interactions amongst characters derived from movies I have watched and television I have seen. I often find myself writing a scene only to realize I'm not drawing from my imagination or my own life experience or my observations of people, I'm drawing from the millions of hours of observing actors play human beings on television and in movie theaters. And because I’m writing a "MOVIE," it is even more difficult, because I’m fighting against a subconscious or unconscious observation that this is "how people act in movies." Stop yourself and ask, would this happen on planet Earth? Do I know how people from Miami really speak? What would a person actually say if they had a gun in their face? Can you possibly imagine what could happen? This is your opportunity to be truly imaginative. Answer your own expectations of original work. A mature writer develops a strong capacity to recognize and reject the false.


Forced exposition. This is when a brother tells a sister on page two that he will be attending a school which dad wouldn't pay for because he bought a farm that the whole family will be moving to tomorrow because he found that the city was a really bad place to live in after mom was really scared because of that mugging thing that happened after they came back from the sister's graduation from high school. When characters engage in an unbelievable conversation about matters in which they would be familiar with, or when they proclaim something completely out of nowhere simply to inform the audience of key facts crucial to their understanding of the movie, you have a problem. This awkward exposition will not be seen as genuine human behavior and will detach your audience from the emotional current of your story. Exposition is necessary and difficult to execute. Be careful how you offer information crucial to your story at the start of your screenplay. This is a common problem in early drafts.
Exposition needs to be seamless and graceful.


You know what? Go get a script and copy what you think it looks like and you'll be fine. Trust me. Spec scripts are sitting on desks all over Hollywood and their format is not consistent at all. Getting crazy about format sells screenwriting software. I use two tab settings and copied stuff from a book and not one person in the film industry has ever said a thing to me in ten years. But if your script looks like a book, or a poem, or a magazine article, your screenplay format is wrong. Just make it look a little like a movie script, and if it kicks ass, guess what.
So do you.

Gordy Hoffman
Article URL:
About the Author
Winner of the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the Sundance Film Festival for LOVE LIZA, Gordy Hoffman has written and directed three digital shorts for Fox Searchlight. He made his feature directorial debut with his script, A COAT OF SNOW, which world premiered at the 2005 Locarno International Film Festival. He is also the founder of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition. Dedicated to develop and celebrate the undiscovered screenwriter, BlueCat provides written screenplay analysis on every script entered. In addition, Gordy offers screenwriters personalized feedback on their scripts through his consultation service,
Copyright © 2006 BlueCat Screenplay Competition The information on this page may not be reproduced, republished or mirrored on another webpage or website without the permission of the author. Please email

D.C: Essence Event 1/18/06

You're InvitedStart the New Year off right with the information you need to take hold of your financial future. Join ESSENCE for an interactive discussion featuring Kimberly Allers, ESSENCE Work & Wealth editor, author and financial expert; Michelle Singletary, business writer for The Washington Post, author and personal finance commentator for National Public Radio; and State Farm representatives, who will offer strategies for reducing debt and achieving your goals.You’ll also have an opportunity to meet with a State Farm agent to discuss your specific needs regarding retirement and education, and to set up an appointment to begin shaping your financial future.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Networking reception — 6-7pmSeminar — 7-9pm

The Capitol Hilton1001 16th St., NWWashington, DC 20036For directions, log onto

NOTE: This event is free and open to the public

RSVP to by January 13, 2006.

Moderator: Kimberly Allers, ESSENCE Work & Wealth editor Kimberly is an award-winning journalist with over a decade of business journalism experience. Previously, she freelanced for Fortune, The Times (London), The Independent (London), The New York Post, The Daily News, Better Homes & Gardens Family Money, ESSENCE, Savoy and the BBC, among others. Kimberly has made regular appearances on television and radio, and was a Knight-Bagehot Fellow for Business and Economics Journalism at Columbia University from 1999-2000. She has also worked as an adjunct journalism professor at New York University, Long Island University and City College. She has a B.A. in journalism and secondary English education from NYU, and a M.S. in journalism from Columbia.

Michelle Singletary, a staff business writer for The Washington Post, started "The Color of Money" column in March, 1997. Michelle is a personal finance commentator for National Public Radio’s afternoon program Day to Day. In conjunction with the column, she is also a regular contributor to Howard University’s evening news radio program, Insight, where she discusses personal finance issues. Michelle is the author of Your Money and Your Man: How You and Prince Charming Can Spend Well and Live Rich, Spend Well, Live Rich : How to Get What You Want with the Money You Have and 7 Money Mantras for a Richer Life. For more information about Michelle Singletary, log onto

The Scoop By Chriss Coats 1/11/06

The Scoop
Wednesday, Jan. 11

Billboard Top 200 Album Charts for issue 1/21
Weeks On Label 2W Rank LW Rank TW Rank Artist Title TW Sales % CHG LW Sales RTD Sales
3 J 2 1 1 FOXX*JAMIE UNPREDICTABLE 131,482 -34 199,640 930,907
3 GEFN 1 2 2 BLIGE*MARY J. BREAKTHROUGH 118,415 -39 192,689 1,040,812
5 INT 4 3 3 EMINEM CURTAIN CALL 109,082 -41 185,624 1,490,978
8 ARI 5 5 5 UNDERWOOD*CARRIE SOME HEARTS 80,892 -40 134,610 1,717,581
39 ISL 6 8 6 CAREY*MARIAH EMANCIPATION OF MIMI 74,171 -28 102,417 5,042,777
3 BADB 3 4 7 NOTORIOUS B.I.G. DUETS: THE FINAL CHAPTER 73,617 -51 149,707 662,431
58 RCA 10 12 8 CLARKSON*KELLY BREAKAWAY 63,823 -23 83,104 4,509,268
31 AAM 11 9 9 BLACK EYED PEAS MONKEY BUSINESS 62,502 -36 97,546 3,099,753
14 ROAD 9 7 10 NICKELBACK ALL THE RIGHT REASONS 58,083 -44 102,857 2,015,272


© Report: Angelina Jolie Expecting Baby
Angelina Jolie is expecting a baby this summer with Brad Pitt, according to a report on the People magazine Web site. "Yes, I'm pregnant," the magazine quoted Jolie as telling charity aid worker Monday in the Dominican Republic, where she is filming "The Good Shepherd" with Matt Damon. The report says the pregnancy was confirmed by representatives of both stars but does not identify them by name.

© DeGeneres, Garner Win People's Awards
The force was with "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith," which was named favorite movie and favorite movie drama at Tuesday night's 32nd annual People's Choice Awards. Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and TV star Jennifer Garner also won multiple awards.

© Web Site Offering Farrell Sex Tape Closed
An Internet site that purported to be selling access to actor Colin Farrell's explicit sex tape was shut down Tuesday for violating a court order blocking release of the 15-minute video, the actor's publicist said.

© Lohan 'Appalled' by Vanity Fair Article
Lindsay Lohan is "appalled" by the Vanity Fair article released last week in which she confessed to dabbling in drugs and battling bulimia. The Vanity Fair story, which hit newsstands nationally Tuesday and was widely reported last week, made headlines for the 19-year-old actress' acknowledgment that she dabbled in drugs "a little." The magazine also quoted Lohan on her drastic weight loss last year: "I was making myself sick," she said. The article, written by Evgenia Peretz, noted Lohan was "referring to bulimic episodes." Lohan also said, "I knew I had a problem and I couldn't admit it." However, in a statement released Tuesday to Teen People magazine, Lohan denied having bulimia and said, "The words that I gave to the writer for Vanity Fair were misused and misconstrued, and I'm appalled with the way it was done." An editor for Teen People said Lohan's denial was regarding Vanity Fair's reporting of her alleged bulimia, not drug use.

© 'Malcolm' Actor Buys Simpson-Lachey House
The "Newlyweds" home of divorcing Hollywood couple Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey is being bought by "Malcolm in the Middle" teen actor Justin Berfield. Simpson's publicist, Rob Shuter, announced just on Monday that the Calabasas, Calif. home was for sale. The house had been listed for $3.75 million. Hope Diamond, Berfield's publicist, confirmed the sale Tuesday, but wouldn't disclose the price.

© Britney Spears Tops 'Worst Dressed' List
Britney Spears topped Mr. Blackwell's 46th annual "Worst Dressed" list for wearing clothes that he said made her look like an "over-the-hill Lolita." Bohemian teen tycoon Mary-Kate Olsen was the next target of the acid-tongued fashion critic. Jessica Simpson followed Olsen.

© Elvis Song Puts Lover in Heartbreak Hotel
A woman stabbed her boyfriend with a pair of scissors because he repeatedly played the Elvis Presley hit "Burning Love" on the King's birthday, police said Tuesday. The 35-year-old man was treated for six stab wounds to his head, back and legs at the hospital in the farming town of Northam in Western Australia state late Monday night but was allowed to go home, state police spokeswoman Ros Weatherall said. His girlfriend was charged with unlawful wounding and was to appear in a Northam court Tuesday. "Police will allege ... the 30-year-old woman stabbed the man with a pair of scissors during an argument over him playing the same Elvis Presley song again and again," a police media statement said. Police said the man was stabbed late on the 71st anniversary of Elvis's birth.


© UK singer Doherty pleads guilty to drug charges
Babyshambles lead singer Pete Doherty, who had an on-off relationship with supermodel Kate Moss, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to possessing heroin and cocaine.

Hollywood Reporter

© Image noms
Kanye West, Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey earned four nominations each Tuesday for the NAACP Image Awards, including best song and album, while Terrence Howard had two acting nominations for the films "Hustle & Flow" and "Crash."

© Gay label launched
Sony Music said Tuesday it was launching the first major music label dedicated to nurturing lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gendered artists. The label, Music with a Twist, is a joint venture with Wilderness Media & Entertainment, the company led by Matt Farber, who founded Viacom Inc's MTV Networks' new gay and lesbian channel LOGO, which is available in an estimated 20 million homes. The label also comes as Wilderness Media plans this weekend to launch a syndicated national radio show called Twist targeting the gay and "gay-adjacent" communities, debuting on FM stations and the Web.

Daily News

© BET vows not to take Lil' Kim's rap lightly
Black Entertainment Television executives yesterday defended a new reality series about rap diva Lil' Kim as she prepares to go to prison, saying the show didn't glorify her situation.
After promoting "Lil' Kim: The Countdown to Lockdown" as presenting the real Kimberly Jones - "her words, her life, her way" - the network officials backpedaled a bit when asked whether promoting her as going to jail "mouth shut and head held high" was tacitly approving her silence and perjury regarding the shootout involving her friends and some rivals.

New York Post

NAOMI Campbell conquered her fear of death by literally looking it straight in the face. The supermodel's adopted "mother," Mary Blackwell, wife of Island Records founder Chris Blackwell, passed away last year and "the funeral home had done this makeup for her, it was awful," Campbell said. "I wiped it off her, redid everything, fixed her hair. I've never spent so much time with a body before," she told the London Observer. "It was a big learning experience because it made me not afraid of death anymore."

Sightings: LIZA Minnelli walking into '21' hand-in-hand with Tony Danza before the two friends had dinner with another couple.

SUAVE crooner Tony Bennett turned uncharacteristically cranky, thanks to a screaming baby who marred his concert at the gala opening of the Ritz-Carlton in Grand Cayman last weekend. We're told that Kiwi stunner Kylie Bax brought her year-old-daughter, Lito, to Bennett's concert in the ballroom, where the tot immediately raised a ruckus, causing Bennett to become "visibly annoyed." Hotel moles also report that Bennett, who loves to paint in his spare time, insisted that concert organizers indulge his favorite hobby. "He demanded a two-room suite - one room for him to sleep and another for him to paint," tattled our spy.

PARIS Hilton's penchant for carrying around her pets like disposable fashion accessories has become a fashion in itself. A Wisconsin designer has come out with The Tinkerbell, a black leather handbag in the shape of a dead, upside-down Chihuahua. James Piatt, who runs Sundae Best accessories, dreamed up the bag last year after PAGE SIX reported Paris had dumped Tinkerbell off on her mom when the pampered canine got too big, then bought a smaller Chihuahua named Bambi. The switch prompted a stern rebuke from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals: "It's a pity that Paris' heart doesn't match her pocketbook. Animals shouldn't be disposed of like last season's trendy handbag." Piatt told The Post's Bill Hoffmann, "I thought about what PETA said. Then I noticed how everybody imitated Paris out on the street - dozens of people carrying around little cats and dogs like accessories. It seems like the oddest trend." But Hiatt, who sells the bag for $175 through his Website, insists he's neither an animal activist nor a Hilton- hater. In fact, he says, he'd be proud to see the blond party princess with one of his creations on her arm. "I would love to give her one - that would be the best thing," he gushed. Reps for Hilton, who was seen recently with yet another pet - a furry, rainforest- dwelling kinkajou - did not return a call for comment.

WE HEAR . . .THAT Nicole Kidman will present the Simon Wiesenthal Center award tonight at the Waldorf to Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp. (which owns The Post), before such guests as Pat riots owner Bob Kraft, financier Nelson Peltz, Fox News chief Roger Ailes and Michael Mil ken . . . THAT this morning, for the first time in network history, live bra models, not manne quins, will appear on a morning show, when "Today" airs a segment based on Shop Etc. mag azine's story, "Is it Time to Buy a New Bra?" . . . THAT James Frey - whose best-selling "memoir," "A Million Little Pieces," has been exposed as fiction - will go on "Larry King Live" tonight with his mother to address the scandal . . . THAT the success of "Brokeback Moun tain" has renewed interest in the best- selling 1974 novel, "The Front Runner," about a gay re lationship between a track coach and a run ner authored by Patricia Nell Warren.

New York Times

© Korn Sells a Stake in Itself
The band's new deal with the nation's biggest concert promoter redefines how the revenue pie is split in the music business. Today Korn is expected to announce an unorthodox deal with the nation's biggest concert promoter that advances the band's strategy of turning itself into an investment vehicle and redefining how the revenue pie is split in the music business.

Mariah Carey got coy when pressed about those rumors she’s dating male model Christian Monzon, who starred in the video for “Don’t Forget About Us” with her who and has been spotted at her L.A. home. “Erm, how do we play this?” she told the London Mirror. “OK, he’s a very nice guy, he’s been in a fabulous Dolce & Gabbana advert - did you see it? And we’ve had some nice conversations and, um, a nice time. OK, I’ll say he definitely did a very good job in the video.” She was more forthcoming about her friendship – and above-the-speed-limit behavior — with rapper Cam’ron. “We’re always hanging out but we really are just friends,” she said. “Anyway, he turned up at my apartment one night in his blue Lamborghini. My security guys were really worried about me going with him, so they were just figuring out a way to follow us when Cam took off at 150 mph down the street. They must have been freaking but we just took off, went out and had fun. I was like, ‘You can’t keep up with a Lamborghini! Goodbye!’ I know they’re only looking after my best interests, but the truth is I’m a free spirit.”
M Britney Spears and her family seem to have kissed and made up with Kevin Federline, but not everyone is buying it. Spears and her divorced parents recently reunited at a business function, and an “insider” told Life & Style Weekly that when [Federline] saw her “all teary-eyed and hopeful” at the sight of her parents getting along, “Kev tried to divert attention from his own drowning marriage by planting in Brit’s mind that her parents might reunite.”
M Madonna is drawn to Kabbalah because of its promise of reincarnation, according to ContactMusic. “The thought of eternal life appeals to me,” the once-Material Girl said.


© Paid Downloads Reach All-Time High In Week After Christmas
Music industry execs had better prep that thank-you note to Santa Claus, because the big guy was more than gracious to them this holiday season. Digital-download sales reached an all-time one-week high of nearly 20 million tracks during the seven days following Christmas. The number was more than double the record of 9.5 million downloads set the week earlier, according to Nielsen SoundScan numbers released Monday, and it was triple the number of tracks sold in the same week a year ago. In its year-end report, Nielsen said more than 352 million digital tracks were sold in 2005, a 150 percent spike from 2004.

© Dave Grohl already counts Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme as one of his closest musical allies, having essentially joined QOTSA for their 2002 album Songs for the Deaf (a favor Homme returned by guesting on the Foos' latest, In Your Honor). But the next time the two speak, the conversation probably won't revolve around guitar tunings — it'll probably be about diaper-changing techniques and nannies. Because like Homme, Grohl is a rock-star daddy-to-be. On Tuesday (January 10), a spokesperson for Grohl's label confirmed that the Foo frontman and his wife, former TV producer Jordyn Blum, are expecting their first child. Though the gender of the child was not revealed, the littlest Foo is expected this spring.

© The last time around, all it took was an injured finger to derail some White Stripes concerts. This time the prognosis looks a bit more serious. On Tuesday (January 10) the White Stripes posted a message on their Web site announcing that White's doctors have instructed him not to speak or sing for the next two weeks, in order to rest his ailing cords. In addition to forcing the band to postpone a handful of Japanese dates, the announcement also brings up the question of just how White will articulate his thoughts — though the early money is on "wild gesticulations," with "chalkboard hung around the neck" a close second (OK, not really). A spokesperson for the band would not expound on White's ailment but did add that there were concerns about the effects of travel on his vocal cords. For their part, the Stripes expressed disappointment in having to scrap the Japanese dates — which included two nights in Tokyo, plus gigs in Osaka and Nagoya — but pledged to make a triumphant return at the multidate Big Day Out festival beginning later this month in Australia and New Zealand.

© Along with getting ready for the premiere of the fifth season of "American Idol," Randy Jackson has been producing a duets record with Sam Moore from '60s soul stalwarts Sam & Dave ("Soul Man"). Jackson is also developing a morning talk show for FOX with "So You Think You Can Dance" host Lauren Sanchez

© Back in August, Ozzy Osbourne announced that he was looking for a guitarist to work with him on his next studio LP. Ozzy called on those interested to send in demos of their fretwork, but didn't specify whether he was in need of a lead or rhythm guitarist — raising speculation regarding the state of the Ozzman's relationship with longtime guitarist Zakk Wylde. This week, Osbourne's fans learned that Ozzy was in fact looking to replace Wylde — but not anymore. "Ozzy would like to thank everyone who took the time to send in submissions to be his new guitar player," reads a posting on his Web site. "At the time we announced the search, [Wylde's] itinerary with Black Label Society was quite overwhelming. Fortunately, Zakk has now been able to go back and rearrange his schedule to make sure that he would be available to write, record and tour with Ozzy in 2006 and beyond. Therefore, the search for a new axeman has been called off."


© Beanie Sigel, the rapper who has sold hundreds of thousands of records glamorizing a criminal lifestyle, was convicted of assault today (Jan. 10) in Philadelphia for a fight in 2003. Sigel, born Dwight Grant, agreed with the prosecutor's version of events, and was convicted of misdemeanor simple assault. He was immediately sentenced to two years probation plus $180 in court costs.

© New York rock trio the Yeah Yeah Yeahs will return on March 28 with its second Interscope album, "Show Your Bones," according to a label spokesperson. First single "Gold Lion" will be commercially released a week earlier in the United Kingdom. The set was produced by Squeak E Clean and mixed by rock veteran Alan Moulder.

© Wu-Tang Clan principal Ghostface Killah has put the finishing touches on his fifth album, "Fishscale," due Feb. 28 via Def Jam. The set is led by the single "Back Like That," which features up-and-coming Def Jam labelmate Ne-Yo. In addition, Ghostface will join all the principal Wu-Tang members in February for the act's first tour since 1997.

© With five nods each, newcomers James Blunt and Kaiser Chiefs are the frontrunners heading into the Brit Awards 2006, to be held Feb. 15 at London's Earl's Court.

© R&B icons the Isley Brothers featuring Ronald Isley a.k.a. "Mr. Biggs" will on March 7 release a new album, "Baby Makin' Music." The Def Jam Soul set sports production by Jermaine Dupri, Tim and Bob and Manuel Seal, Jr., among others.

© U2 has begun adding dates to the 2006 edition of its box-office busting Vertigo tour, including an April 8 show at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, the group's first appearance in Hawaii since 1985. Also new to the itinerary is a Feb. 28 show in Santiago, Chile. As previously reported, the new leg of Vertigo will begin Feb. 12 in Monterrey, Mexico. In 2005, the outing was the top tour of the year, grossing $260 million from 90 shows reported to Billboard Boxscore, all of which were sell-outs.

© Big Head Todd & the Monsters take the mantra "art should be free" very seriously. The Colorado trio will soon begin unveiling four-song podcasts of their newest material for free through their Web site. The "BigHeadToddcasts" will be updated monthly.

© Actor/musician Harry Shearer has set a March 21 release for two new projects via his own Courgette label: the seven-track audio CD "Dropping Anchors" and the DVD "Now It Can Be Seen." The album is described as a "satirical farewell" to such longstanding television anchors as Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Ted Koppel and features one tune sung from the perspective of Barbara Walters.

TV Show Lineups
Wednesday, January 11
David Letterman: Queen Latifah, Bob Sarlatte
Jay Leno: Steve Carell, Anthony Hamilton
Conan O'Brien: LL Cool J, John Daly
Last Call: Diane Farr, Big Boi, Joe Firstman
The View: Dr. Steven Lamm
Regis and Kelly: Scarlett Johansson, Evangeline Lilly, Terrence Howard
Ellen DeGeneres: Pierce Brosnan

Thursday, January 12
David Letterman: Kiefer Sutherland, Alicia Keys
Jay Leno: Emma Thompson, Sugarland
Conan O'Brien: Emily Procter, bull rider J.W. Hart
Last Call: Rulon Gardner, Sean Paul, North Mississippi Allstars
The View: Uma Thurman, guest co-host Myrka Dellanos
Regis and Kelly: Queen Latifah, Emily Procter
Ellen DeGeneres: Billy Crystal

Friday, January 13
David Letterman: Tom Cavanagh, Jake Johannsen
Jay Leno: Jake Gyllenhaal, Steve Irwin
Conan O'Brien: Queen Latifah
Last Call: Quentin Tarantino, Mat Kearney, Joe Firstman
The View: LL Cool J, Alicia Keys, Mehcad Brooks, Josh Lucas
Regis and Kelly: Kiefer Sutherland, Kyle MacLachlan
Ellen DeGeneres: Greg Kinnear