ABC Panelist
ABC News Now seeking panelists for public affairs show for black people...I need black men and women. Period.!!I put this email out before and got tepid response.I am producing and co-hosting a show (with Ron Claiborne) on ABC News Now that is as yet untitled. It's a public affairs show for black people... BUT. it is not done in the conventional ABC News way. Itis meant to replicate the kinds of conversations that we have when we get together in the church parking lot, beauty shop, barbershop, dinner table, playing spades. whatever. It will be the TV version of a typical black conversation about current events, music, sports, pop culture, news. with all the energy and bravado, minus the four letter words. To give you an example of what we talk about. during our first two pilots we addressed: Blacks and Immigration, the Duke LaCrosse rape case, Baby Daddies and Baby Mamas, Colin Powel or Condeleeza Rice for President etc.So I'm putting together a list of potential guests. My first show tapes this Friday and every other Friday at 3:30pm. I don't need any experts. We all know someone who can turn a conversation into an argument.besides me! I just want regular blackfolks but I'll aslo take artists, authors, CEO's,professionals.. (Uptight people who are charmed by their own intellect need not respond). If you know someone in NYC who is intelligent,up-on-current-events, witty, lively, funny,opinionated and black -- male or femaie -- pleasehave them get in touch with me via email. Or send their contact information and I will get in touch with them.Or if you can or want to be on a future show yourself, please speak up too. (Some of you are definitely qualified). I am really struggling to find SISTERS.We always complain that there aren't enough on mainstream media about us and for us so here's one. I need all your support to sustain it.Thank
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